ZEISS Digital SmartLife lenses

Simply our best all-day lenses.
For relaxed vision. For modern life.

A young man smiling with a backpack over his shoulder is wearing ZEISS Digital SmartLife glasses and looking to the side.
  • Over 30 and your eyes feel tired by the end of the day?
  • Is switching from far to near a bit trickier than before?
  • Do you want sharp, relaxed vision at all distances, all day long?​

Good news.

If you need distance glasses and struggle to focus up close, you might not need progressive lenses yet. Maybe your eyes just need help relaxing. ZEISS Digital SmartLife lenses are packed with technology to help reduce eye strain and keep your focus all day long.

Up. Down. Far. Near. Switch with ease.

Tiny texts and constantly switching focus can be tough on your eyes. If you're in your mid-30s and up, you might notice they get tired and your vision suffers – especially toward the end of the day. SmartLife® glasses by ZEISS are made to handle the strain of our connected, on-the-move lifestyles.

Fight the fatigue.

Glasses with ZEISS Digital SmartLife lenses show the vision zones.

With a large distance zone and a specially optimised near zone, ZEISS Digital SmartLife lenses give your eyes the boost they need to focus from far to up close with less effort.

Tailor-made clarity – in your frame of choice.

Your frame will determine the size and shape of your SmartLife lenses.

Young woman wearing illustrated glasses with measurements of the lenses, morphing from a round frame, to a cat eye frame, to a square frame while the measurements adjust.

ZEISS FrameFit® + technology will precisely calculate your glasses’ vision zones – for perfect clarity where you need it most.

Made for
HOW you see

Made for
HOW you see

Animated Illustration of person moving her eyes and head, looking through different parts of her SmartLife glasses at smartphone and different distances in a 3D object space model, followed by hundreds of data light points forming the number 12.5

We studied how people move their heads and eyes, and where they look through their lenses

  • online

  • offline

  • at all distances

  • all day

ZEISS SmartView 2.0 technology uses these findings and adapted state-of-the-art 3D object-space models to enhance your vision.

12.5 million data points.

We can combine this massive amount of information about age-related visual behaviour with your personal, anatomical and physiological data thanks to ZEISS Intelligence Augmented Design technology.1 This makes our Digital SmartLife Individual 3 the most uniquely YOU lens by ZEISS.

The results.

  • 73%

    73% of wearers perceived less eye strain at the end of the day.2

  • 81%

    81% of wearers perceived wide fields of comfortable vision for intermediate and near tasks.2

  • 98%

    98% of wearers would recommend ZEISS SmartLife Individual 3 lenses to their friends and family.3

See the difference.

Experience how ZEISS Digital SmartLife lenses compare to conventional anti-fatigue lenses.

Smart  vision for  Life

Smart vision for Life.

Your eyesight continues to change as you age. You might want to switch from digital to progressive lenses at some point. Our entire SmartLife portfolio includes Age Intelligence – for lens optics adapted to each stage of life. Grow old with ZEISS’s best.

Morphing of a kids face into a teenager into an adult.
  • ZEISS SmartLife YOUNG

Let’s recap.

Make them even smarter.

Lens ingredients to complete your SmartLife lenses.

You’ve chosen a great lens design – but you have a few more choices to make. These factors are worth considering before you buy your next pair.

Your eyes

With ZEISS Digital SmartLife, most of the lens is dedicated to your distance prescription, but a small "boost" at the bottom helps your eyes transition from far to near. They’re generally great for people in their 30s and 40s who struggle with digital eyestrain. Your optician should confirm if it’s the right lens type for you.

Your lifestyle

Beyond your prescription, SmartLife® is designed for HOW you use your eyes while you’re connected and on the move. We can personalize it even more with intelligence augmentation (IA). Ask your optician about ZEISS Digital SmartLife Individual.

Your face & frame

To fine-tune your vision, the distance and near zones of your SmartLife Digital lenses will be optimised based on your chosen frame. This is made possible with ZEISS FrameFit+ technology and some measurements taken by your eye care professional.

Eye protection

Full UV protection is a given in all SmartLife lenses. You can also add ZEISS BlueGuard for blue light protection or PhotoFusion X – for sunnies and eyeglasses all-in-one. Both are great options for a busy, screen-filled life.

Thickness & weight

All ZEISS SmartLife lenses are designed to be thin and flat. You can also choose the lens material and index. These impact how you look and feel with your new pair of glasses.

Durability & care

A ZEISS DuraVision lens coating of your choice will reinforce your glasses, make them easy to clean and more. Add the features that’s important to you.

Any questions?

  • The name might make it seem like these lenses are for anyone who stares at screens all day. But it actually refers to a lens focal type for people who have trouble focusing from far to near and struggle with symptoms of digital eye strain. This is quite common in people in their mid-30s and older. If you’re younger and don’t have issues with tired eyes, ZEISS Single Vision SmartLife lenses might be a better option for your connected lifestyle. Your optician can confirm the right focal type for you.

  • Digital lenses provide two corrective powers. While most of the lens is dedicated to your distance vision prescription, a small “boost” is integrated at the bottom to help your eyes transition from far to near. They’re perfect if you’re not ready for multifocal lenses but have tired eyes or slight discomfort when looking up close.

  • Yes. ZEISS SmartLife Digital lenses are a great option if you want relaxed eyes and comfortable vision in all distances and directions. Our wearer trials confirmed: 73% of wearers perceived less eye strain at the end of the day.2

  • 1

    Internal Global Vision Study, Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH, DE, 2020-2021. (unpublished, data on file)

  • 2

    External consumer acceptance test on the ZEISS SmartLife lens portfolio, n=169 study participants (SV=48, DIG=39, PAL=82). Aston Optometry School, Aston University, UK 2019. (unpublished, data on file)

  • 3

    Market consumer acceptance test on the ZEISS SmartLife Individual 3 lens portfolio, n=128 study participants in DE, CN, 2022, Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH. (unpublished, data on file)